Polyurethane Foam Solutions for Concrete Lifting

Polyurethane foam is used in many industries, and different applications require different formulas. The type of foam used in couch cushions will differ from that used for spray foam insulation. At PolyPier by ECP, we produce and distribute top-of-the-line expanding, high-density polyurethane foam explicitly engineered for applications such as concrete lifting, underground void filling, and soil stabilization.

Concrete Lifting Foam Uses

Read more about some of the uses for PolyPier concrete lifting foam:

We supply our partner contractors with various proline products for specific concrete lifting applications and training to ensure that they know precisely how to give their customers’ concrete a precise lift.

How Our Polyurethane Foam Precisely Lifts and Levels Concrete

After first assessing the concrete that needs to be leveled and determining where the PolyPier needs to be inserted, small holes are drilled in the concrete slab to inject the expanding foam.

Featured image for the blog "The Ideal Time for Leveling Concrete with PolyPier"

As the solution turns into foam, it expands, filling any voids under the slab, compressing loose soil particles, and hydraulically lifting the slab.

When adequately calculated and monitored, PolyPier can return sunken concrete to within a small fraction of an inch of level. Once finished, you fill the small holes and tidy the area.

One of the advantages? The curing time is just 15 minutes. The slab is almost immediately ready for use.

The foam is lightweight, so it won’t further weigh down the soil, but it also solidifies to provide a permanent solution for the sinking concrete slab.

It doesn’t break down in water. Soil chemicals don’t affect it. Once it is underground, it is solid unless you physically remove it.

Comparing Polyjacking with PolyPier to Mudjacking

Interested in how concrete leveling stands up to the former standard in concrete lifting, mudjacking? Read more about it here.

The Right Foam for the Right Concrete Lifting Job

Our partner contractors encounter various concrete lifting and soil stabilization jobs, from standard sidewalk lifts to filling voids beneath roadways.

We aim to ensure contractors have a PolyPier mixture suited to whatever situation they encounter. The subtle differences in strengths will make it easier to get a precise lift and give you a longer list of satisfied customers.

Read more about all the different concrete and soil problems we can solve with PolyPier, and often have designed a specific blend.

Interested in Becoming a PolyPier Contractor?

Contact us today if you want more information on using PolyPier for concrete lifting and other applications. Are you interested in becoming a PolyPier partner contractor? If so, fill out the form on this page.

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